
Dear Fellow bowlers,

My name is John Tucker and I have the privilege and honour of being your Chairman this year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Counties associated with the HCBA for their support and participation.

As you know, the HCBA provides the opportunity for bowlers to play at a higher level outside of their own club and county.

In my own county Surrey, we use the HCBA League as a stepping stone to the Middleton Cup, which of course together with the Balcomb is the highest County level, the next step being England.

I look forward to meeting many of you during the season.

It would be remiss of me not to mention my fellow Officers and Delegates of the Home Counties Bowls Association, without their support there would not be a HCBA.

I wish you all good bowling and an enjoyable 2024 season.

A bit of background.

I started bowling in 1963 at the age of 16, my father introduced me to this wonderful game, which I still love. In 1968 I moved to Surrey and joined Purley Bury BC, which I am still a member of.

In 2006, I finally managed to gain my County badge that led me to being introduced to the HCBA League and have enjoyed representing my County at that Level.

I had the privilege of becoming Surrey President in 2015, since then I have served in various capacities, currently I am General Secretary of Bowls Surrey.


Kindest regards

John Tucker