Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy
Home Counties Bowling Associationaffiliates to the National Governing Body and the Association recognises the policies of their Governing Body, as set in out in the “Safeguarding Bowls Guidelines”.
Policy Aims
- The purpose of this policy is to outline the duty and responsibility of staff/volunteers working on behalf of the Association in relation to Safeguarding Adults at risk.
- All adults have the right to be safe from harm and must be able to live free from fear of abuse, neglect and exploitation.
- Everyone who participates in bowls is entitled to do so in a safe and enjoyable environment.
- The Association is committed to helping everyone in bowls accept their responsibility to safeguard adults at risk, from harm and abuse.
- All suspicions and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
- Staff and volunteers working with adults at risk in bowls have a responsibility to report concerns to their Association Safeguarding Officer.
Definition of an Adult at Risk?
- Adult at Risk is a person aged 18 or over who is in need of care and support regardless of whether they are receiving them, and because of those needs are unable to protect themselves against abuse or neglect. In recent years, there has been a marked shift away from using the term ‘vulnerable’ to describe adults potentially at risk from harm or abuse.
- Abuseis a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by another person or persons. See section 5 for further explanations.
- Adultis anyone aged 18 or over.
- Adult safeguarding is protecting a person’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.
- Capacityrefers to the ability to make a decision at a particular time, for example when under considerable stress. The starting assumption must always be that a person has the capacity to make a decision unless it can be established that they lack capacity (MCA 2005)..
Types of Abuse taken from the Care Act 2014
- Self-neglect– this covers a wide range of behaviour: neglecting to care for one’s personal hygiene, health or surroundings and includes behaviour such as hoarding. In (insert name of your sport) this could be a player whose appearance becomes unkempt, does not wear suitable sports kit and deterioration in hygiene.
- Modern Slavery– encompasses slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude. Traffickers and slave masters use whatever means they have at their disposal to coerce, deceive and force individuals into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment. In (insert name of your sport) you may notice that a participant in a team has been missing from practice sessions and is not responding to reminders from team members or coaches.
- Domestic Abuse – including psychological, physical, sexual, financial and emotional abuse. It also includes so called 'honour' based violence. Sport may notice a power imbalance between a participant and a family member. For example, a participant with Downs syndrome may be looking quiet and withdrawn when their brother comes to collect them from sessions, in contrast to their personal assistant whom they greet with a smile.
- Discriminatory – discriminationis abuse which centres on a difference or perceived difference particularly with respect to race, gender or disability or any of the protected characteristics of the Equality Act. This could be the harassing of an association member because they are or are perceived to be transgender
- Organisational Abuse– including neglect and poor care practice within an institution or specific care setting such as a hospital or care home, for example, or in relation to care provided in one’s own home. This may range from one off incidents to on-going ill-treatment. It can be through neglect or poor professional practice as a result of the structure, policies, processes and practices within an organisation. In Bowls, this could be training without a necessary break.
- Physical Abuse – includes hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, misuse of medication, restraint or inappropriate sanctions. This could be a coach intentionally striking an athlete.
- Sexual Abuse – including rape, indecent exposure, sexual harassment, inappropriate looking or touching, sexual teasing or innuendo, sexual photography, subjection to pornography or witnessing sexual acts, indecent exposure and sexual assault or sexual acts to which the adult has not consented or was pressured into consenting.This could be a fellow athlete who sends unwanted sexually explicit text messages to an adult with learning disabilities they are training alongside.
- Financial or Material Abuse – including theft, fraud, internet scamming, coercion in relation to an adult’s financial affairs or arrangements, including in connection with wills, property, inheritance or financial transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits. This could be someone taking equipment from an athlete with dementia.
- Neglect – including ignoring medical or physical care needs, failure to provide access to appropriate health social care or educational services, the withholding of the necessities of life, such as medication, adequate nutrition and heating. This could be a coach not ensuring athletes have access to water.
- Emotional or Psychological Abuse – this includes threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, isolation or withdrawal from services or supportive networks. This could be an athlete threatening another athlete with physical harm and persistently blaming them for poor performance.
Not included in the Care Act 2014 but also relevant:
- Cyber Bullying -cyber bullying occurs when someone repeatedly makes fun of another person online or repeatedly picks on another person through emails or text messages, or uses online forums with the intention of harming, damaging, humiliating or isolating another person. It can be used to carry out many different types of bullying (such as racist bullying, homophobic bullying, or bullying related to special educational needs and disabilities) but instead of the perpetrator carrying out the bullying face-to-face, they use technology as a means to do it.
- Forced Marriage-forced marriage is a term used to describe a marriage in which one or both of the parties are married without their consent or against their will. A forced marriage differs from an arranged marriage, in which both parties consent to the assistance of a third party in identifying a spouse. The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 make it a criminal offence to force someone to marry.
- Mate Crime - a ‘mate crime’ as defined by the Safety Net Project is ‘when vulnerable people are befriended by members of the community who go on to exploit and take advantage of them. It may not be an illegal act but still has a negative effect on the individual.’
- Radicalisation- the aim of radicalisation is to attract people to their reasoning, inspire new recruits and embed their extreme views and persuade vulnerable individuals of the legitimacy of their cause. This may be direct through a relationship, or through social media.
Responsibilities and Communication
- The Association Safeguarding Policy will be available to all members, parents, staff, volunteers and participants. It is important that adults at risk are protected from abuse. All complaints, allegations or suspicions must be taken seriously with the Association Safeguarding Officer passing information to the appropriate NGB Safeguarding Officer and informing the appropriate Association Officer where relevant.
- The Association has responsibility for ensuring that the policy and procedures are implemented, including referring any appropriate disciplinary action to the national governing body as appropriate.
The Role of Key Individual Agencies
- Adult Social Services - The Department of Health’s recent ‘No secrets’ guidance document requires that authorities develop a local framework within which all responsible agencies work together to ensure a coherent policy for the protection of vulnerable adults at risk of abuse.
All local authorities have a Safeguarding Adults Board, which oversees multi-agency work aimed at protecting and safeguarding vulnerable adults. It is normal practice for the board to comprise of people from partner organisations who have the ability to influence decision making and resource allocation within their organisation.
- The Police - The Police play a vital role in Safeguarding Adults with cases involving alleged criminal acts. It becomes the responsibility of the police to investigate allegations of crime by preserving and gathering evidence. Where a crime is identified, the police will be the lead agency and they will direct investigations in line with legal and other procedural protocols.
Legal Framework
- The Care Act 2014 sets out a clear legal framework for how local authorities and other parts of the system should protect adults at risk of abuse or neglect. Each Local Authority must have a Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB), in much the same way of Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCB). They must lead a multi-agency system that seeks to prevent abuse and neglect and stop it quickly when it happens which includes the NHS, police and Social Care. The Safeguarding Adults Boards (SAB) must meet regularly, develop shared safeguarding plans and publish an annual review of progress. They will carry out Safeguarding Adults Reviews in some circumstances relating to safeguarding failures. The Act also introduces a responsibility for Local Authorities to make enquiries and take any necessary action if an adult with care and support needs could be at risk, even if that adult isn’t receiving local authority care and support.
- The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
- Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims (Amendment) Act 2012
- The Equality Act 2010
- The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
- Mental Capacity Act 2005
- Sexual Offences Act 2003
- The Human Rights Act 1998
- The Data Protection Act 2018
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Home Counties Bowling Associationhas considered its responsibilities to the young people participating in bowls at our Clubs and at Association level and within our association very carefully, and has produced the following Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and underpinning procedures in order to set out the standards we wish to uphold in providing activities for children and safeguarding the welfare of children in our care.
The Associationaffiliates to the National Governing Body and the Association recognises the policies of their Governing Body, as set in out in the “Safeguarding Bowls Guidelines”.
1. Policy Statement
The Associationacknowledges its duty of care to safeguard the welfare of all young people (defined as those under 18) involved in bowls within the association. All young people have a right to protection, and have their particular needs taken into account.
The Associationwill therefore endeavour to ensure the safety and protection of all young people involved with the association through the Child Protection guidelines adopted by the Management Committee of the association. It is the responsibility of all adults within the association to assist the Management Committee in this endeavour.
2. Policy Aims
- To provide young people with appropriate safety and protection whilst in the care of the association and also help them to enjoy their experience of the sport of bowls.
- To reassure parents that their children will receive the best practicable care possible whilst participating in activities within the association.
- To provide support to the association members and volunteers to make informed and confident responses to specific child protection issues and to fulfil their role effectively.
3. Principles
- The welfare of young people is paramount.
- All young people, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, ethnic origin and religious beliefs have the right to protection from abuse.
- All suspicions and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
- All staff and volunteers working in bowls have a responsibility to report concerns to their Association Safeguarding Officer.
- Adults – association members, volunteers, coaches, referees and members will be supported to understand their role and responsibility with regard to the duty of care and protection of young people by the Association and the National Governing Body.
- Individuals will receive support through education and training, coordinated by the Association/national governing body to be aware of and understand best practice and how to manage any welfare or child protection issues that may come to light.
- The Associationwill work in partnership with young people and parents to review and implement child protection and safeguarding procedures.
- The Association’s policy and procedures are based on the above principles and UK and international legislation and government guidance and take the following into consideration:
- The Children Act 1989 and 2004.
- Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018.
- The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
- Any subsequent legislation relating to child protection would implicitly be incorporated into this document.
4. Responsibilities and Communication
- The Association Child Protection Policy will be available to all members, parents, staff, volunteers and participants.
- The Policy will be reviewed every three years by the Management Committee and amended as appropriate. Guidance from Bowls National Governing Bodies will be sought as part of the review process.
- The Management Committee has responsibility for ensuring that the policy and procedures are implemented, including referring any appropriate disciplinary action to the national governing body as appropriate.
- The Association Safeguarding Officer has responsibility for responding to any allegations, concerns or child protection incidents, passing information to the appropriate NGB Safeguarding Officer and informing the appropriate Association Officer where relevant.
- Parents have a responsibility to work together with the association in implementing procedures and providing their children with the necessary information to keep themselves safe.
5. Monitoring and review
- This policy will be reviewed one year after being introduced and then every three years or in response to significant new legislation.
- The policy will be monitored in partnership with the National Governing Body and Bowling Development Alliance procedures.
With regard to any issues on Safeguarding at Association level contact:
m: 07976-815973
e: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bowls England
Bowls Development Alliance